Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Good Format coming up

Hi Everyone,

Banned List for TCG has just been released and they have followed OCG where it will now be changed after 3 months instead of 6

First of all, here's the list:

Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks
Elemental Hero Stratos
Lightning , Dragon Ruler of Drafts
Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles
Stream, Dragon Ruler of Droplets
Number 16: Shock Master
Card Destruction
Gateway of the Six
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn
Pot of Avarice
Spellbook of Judgment
Super Rejuvenation
Solemn Judgment
Ultimate offering

Atlantean Dragoon
Brotherhood of Fire Fist - Spirit
Genex Ally Birdman
Deep Sea Diva
Rescue Rabbit
Thunder King Rai-oh
Evilgishki Mind Augus
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Dimensional fissure
Gold Sarcophagus
Royal Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Eradicator Epidemic Virus
Macro Cosmos
Soul Drain
Torrential Tribute

Plaguespreader Zombie
TG Striker
Fire Formation - Tenki
Dimensional prison

Destiny Hero - Malicious
The Agent of Mystery - Earth
A Hero Lives
Black Whirlwind
E - Emergency Call
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Pot of Duality

To be honest, I'm shocked that there were so many changes, but it needed to be done. This is probably the best banned list that has been released and I have to say that Konami have done a good job.

This banned list pretty much hurt every deck in one way or another. There are a couple of things on the list that I find unnecessary such as the banning of Solemn Judgment and restriction of Gold Sarcophagus but overall this list brings diversity to the format. I will mention a couple of decks which I think will be good in this format

4-Axis Fire Fist

CoachSoldierWolfbark-JOTL-EN-ScR-1E  BrotherhoodoftheFireFistBear-CBLZ-EN-UR-1E
The deck lost 1 Fire Formation - Tenki and in return gained a 3rd Pot of Duality. Also with Bottomless Trap Hole, Compulsory Evacuation Device and Torrential Tribute being limited to 1, it's a lot easier for Bear and Wolfberk to be summoned successfully. Definitely one of the better decks of the format


EvilswarmOphion-HA07-EN-ScR-1E  Number66MasterKeyBeetle-JOTL-EN-SR-1E
Master Key Beetle adds a lot to this deck. All it lost was a 2nd Rescue Rabbit which I find irrelevant with Evilswarm Castor at 3 and the ability to side multiple copies of Eradicator Epidemic Viruses. Key Beetle + Safe Zone will be annoying this format and also having the option to side Deck Devastation Virus can be quiet scary.

Frog Monarch

LightandDarknessDragon-AP02-EN-C-UE  SoulExchange-BP01-EN-SFR-1E
The deck didn't get hit at all and it has an out to every other deck in the format. LADD is still a strong play and being able to run 3 Maxx C and 3 Effect Veiler is a bonus. Also with Shock Master being banned, makes the match-up against Evilswarm, Constellar and Wind-Up a lot easier. I believe this is the dark horse of the format


HighPriestessofProphecy-REDU-EN-ScR-1E  SpellbookofSecrets-REDU-EN-UR-1E
The deck lost Spellbook of Judgment but kept everything else. This just means the deck goes back to run triple Priestess and protecting it with Wisdom. This deck also has an out to Safe Zone - Key Beetle lock in Spellbook of Fate.


BlackWhirlwind-DL15-EN-R-UE-Green  IcarusAttack-BATT-EN-SFR-UE
With Black Whirlwind and Pot of Duality is back at 3, the deck gains a lot of consistency. Also Sirocco and Bora can deal 3700 piercing damage on a goat token which will see play with Scapegoat at 3. Icarus Attack is still deadly and Delta Crow - Anti Reverse is the closest thing to Heavy Storm in this format.


ConstellarPleiades-HA07-EN-ScR-1E  ConstellarPtolemyM7-HA07-EN-ScR-1E
This deck lost the 1 Tenki and Ptolemy M7. But being able to spew out rank 4s and rank 5s makes this deck a threat to deal with. Pleiades is still broken just for the fact you can activate it on your opponents turn.


WindUpShark-CBLZ-EN-SR-LE  WindUpFactory-TU08-EN-C-UE
Didn't really lose anything apart from Shock Master and being able to summon rank 3s, 4s and 5s with ease is why I think this deck will be good especially with in a slowed format. Also it's very cheap to make making it a popular choice for new players

Dark World

GraphaDragonLordofDarkWorld-GLD5-EN-GUR-LE  TheGatesofDarkWorld-AP01-EN-SR-UE
With Dimensional Fissure, Soul Drain and Macro Cosmos being restricted this deck will be a force. All it lost was Card Destruction which can be replaced. Same as Evilswarm, the ability to be able to EEV or DDV with easy can be problematic

There are other decks that will see play such as TG, Scraps, GK, Agents but I believe that the decks I've listed above are just better. I've also seen Plants being cooperated in Elemental Dragons, which is a cool concept but not good enough in my opinion. Also Mermail might see play but I just think the loss of Dragoon and Diva is too much for the deck to compete. Chaos Dragon is another deck that could do well in the format

It's probably the first time in a couple of years that I find the format interesting. Diversity is back and in theory, with the banning and restriction of  a lot of power cards, the skill factor should increase which in turn should decrease the luck factor. Personally, I look forward to see how the meta plays itself out in the next 3 months

Yugioh is getting better for once!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Prediction List

Hey Guys,

It's August, so you know what that means. Every player will spend the first 2 weeks of the month speculating on the banned list and hope for certain cards to be hit because the format has become so dull. Well I'm no different so let’s get to it.

Firstly these are the changes that I hope will occur:


Heavy Storm
Super Rejuvenation

Inzektor Dragonfly

Gateway of the Six

Card Destruction


Rescue Rabbit

Atlantean Dragoon

Spellbook Magician of Prophecy

Spellbook of Secrets

Fire Formation – Tenki

Wind-Up Factory


Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos

Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms

Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls

Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders



Giant Trunade

Book of Moon


People will probably disagree with the choices I've made and everyone has their own opinion, but hopefully a small explanation will allow you guys to see it from my point of view.


Heavy Storm


The first card is Heavy Storm. This card should not co-exist with Mystical Space Typhoon because of the sheer advantage it gives if used at the right time. There were too many situations where you just lose to Storm because you're worried about MST. Also the fact that Heavy Storm destroys and sends S/Ts to the graveyard making them useless makes this card too broken and therefore should be banned. However to compensate the loss of Heavy Storm, I have made Giant Trunade unrestricted which I know would raise a couple of eyebrows.

Super Rejuvenation


Probably every man and their dogs know how much I hate this card. I mean if Pot of Greed is banned, why is this even legal? Don't get me wrong, it's not the cards fault, it's actually the Baby Dragons that made this card broken, but instead of banning all 4 of them and hurting multiple decks, I just thought banning the source would be a better solution. I mean there is a limit on how much advantage you can come back from and Dragossack with +4 of Rejuvenation is not one of them in most cases

Inzektor Dragonfly

With Transmodify and the way I want the format to look with 3 Giant Trunades. Inzektors are too broken and hence this card should be banned

Gateway of Six

Even at 1, a free swarm, deck-thinner and spell/trap negators turn one is just too much. Also the deck can still work without Gateway. I don't know why this card hasn't been hit in previous banned list

Card Destruction

Dragons and especially Dark World get too much advantage of this card. It's pretty much Dark World's version of Gateway but better and hence shouldn't even exist.


Rescue Rabbit

With Dragons and Prophecy being slowed down, Ophion will once again become a strong turn one play. Rescue Rabbit is put down to one to prevent this play to become very common and also, let’s not forget Laggia is a card.

Atlantean Dragoon

It's pretty much 3 Witch of the Black Forest for Mermail. The ability to search for any monster (apart from Teus or itself) is too broken. It should be cut to 1 just to slow down the deck and prevent common OTK plays.

Spellbook of Secrets and Spellbook Magician of Prophecy

SpellbookofSecrets-REDU-EN-UR-1E    SpellbookMagicianofProphecy-REDU-EN-UR-1E 
Spellbook is pretty much equal tier 1 with Dragons. The deck is combo based and the major piece to this combo is Spellbook of Judgment. To use Judgment however, you will need other Spellbooks and that's where Spellbook of Secrets and Spellbook Magician of Prophecy helps because they can search for other Spellbooks without any drawback

I always find it weird that Konami has restricted search cards such as Reinforcement of the Army but let cards such as these and Tenki exist at 3. I think it's time to slow the deck down and the way to do it is to restrict these two to 1 because they also make Spellbook of Judgment plays less broken

Fire Formation - Tenki and Wind-Up Factory

FireFormationTenki-CBLZ-EN-C-1E    WindUpFactory-TU08-EN-C-UE

As mentioned above. Cards like Reinforcement of the Army and Black Whirlwind are at 1 so why should these stay as 3. Especially with the release of Bujins



Dragon Rulers

BlasterDragonRulerofInfernos-LTGY-EN-R-1E    RedoxDragonRulerofBoulders-LTGY-EN-R-1E

TidalDragonRulerofWaterfalls-LTGY-EN-R-1E    TempestDragonRulerofStorms-LTGY-EN-R-1E

The deck is still really good even without Super Rejuvenation. I would semi restrict all the big Dragons so they can be run in other decks such as Lavals and Mermail while hurting Elemental Dragon as a deck by getting rid of some of their resources. It also means that if players want to run 2 of each babies as well. It could leave them with dead cards in hand.





I am a massive advocate of this card. Without Metamorphosis and TER all it does is prevents OTKs and punishes your opponent for over extending. Also with triple MST, reading a Scapegoat can be prevented if you end-phase destroy it. The only concern for this card is that it promotes slow play but so does Spellbook in general.

Giant Trunade


I'm pretty sure people will disagree on this but hear me out first. The problem with Heavy Storm being banned is a lot of people will turn back to GK, Macro Rabbit, E-Hero etc. and then the format will become too boring and players will complain because they can't get over x set multiple.

I just think the concept of having 3 Giant Trunade is pretty neat because:

1. It simplifies the game because you won't need to worry about setting 1 or 2 cards in case of Heavy Storm or MST. If they blind MST you can protect yourself with your other card and if they Trunade, they technically just -1 themselves because both cards go back to your hand and not the graveyard

2. The game won't be spell or trap reliant. It's actually going to be about summoning monsters and attacking over other monsters and/or using their effects.

3. It can break soft locks such as Master Key Beetle + Safe Zone for example

4. It promotes smarter use of MST because it's the only spell and trap destruction that people would main

Book of Moon


This is another card I would like to be back at 3. I personally never really like this card because of the minus factor but even I have to admit it's one of the most versatile cards in the game. I think this card should be at 3 to be able to prevent or break up plays.

Well that's pretty much my prediction. There are probably things I overlook and I apologise for that, but this is all I can think of the top of my head. Hopefully you guys enjoy it and take care
