Sunday, June 16, 2013

Nationals + Oceanics

Hi Guys,

Sorry for the lack of update. I've just been very busy with work lately. But today I'll be talking about the weeks leading up to Nationals / Oceanics and my experiences that I got from the 2 events

To begin with, I have pretty much decided that I will play Prophecy about 2 weeks prior to the event because I know that I won't any time to playtest and I was pretty comfortable with the deck.

I was also confident in the mirror, Dragon match-ups and other random rouge decks including Evilswarm from my time playing at the regional. But now looking back at it. I probably should have made more effort to playtest because I would have probably ran Dragons instead.


I pretty much scrubbed out of both events, I went 3-3 at Nationals and 1-2 at Oceanics. I ran a Cresentless build for nationals and my 3 loses were against 2 Dragons and 1 Mermail.

Apart for being a retard and trying to bottomless Dracossack when there are tokens on the field. I really couldn't do much both game 1 and 3 against a turn one Dracossack followed by a Super Rejuvenation or 2, which got them a couple of veilers

The game 1 I lost to Mermail was because of turn one Double Dragoon, Megalo, Teus followed by Moulinglacia and game 3 because I drew unplayable. The guy was pretty cool and said sorry to me afterwards so I was less annoyed.

So I pretty much dropped and was hating the game. I had a bit of a laugh when I found out Pend Pender did worst than me and we pretty much just chilled out with a couple of people at the bar downstairs,

When we got back to the event. Pretty much all my friends top 64 apart for a couple of us. I was really happy for my friend Christian who topped running Dragons after only 2 games of play testing via DN.

After the top 64 was announced we pretty much all went home. A lot of them were staying at Penrith and they walked to Outback Steakhouse, but a couple of us that drove went to get Kebabs and just enjoyed Dinner. This and the bar were probably the highlight of my day, I like to thank Kate, Troy, James, Pender and especially Tingy for such a fun time at these 2 places which made my day bearable.


On Sunday, Christian and Tim picked me up in the morning which was really nice of them. We got to the event and within 5 minutes my "dongsaeng" Kenny sat next to me because he drew poor game 2 using Evilswarm against Dragons. We then found out that Christian won his game and got the Dracossack mat, which he kindly gave to me :) for letting him borrow the deck.

Sunday was pretty boring, all I did was go to Westfield for lunch with Christian and traded with people. Georgio Giana bought my Prophecy and some guy traded his Evilswarm and cash for my Mermails. Tim pretty much spent the whole day convincing me to play Yolo-Swarm for Oceanics, which is what I ended up doing. I was going to play Dragons but since Christian gave me the mat. I kinda felt obliged to lend him the cards again

I tried to convince Pend Pender to run Evilswarm with me but he pretty much told me to shut up.

By the end of the day, I was so sick of Yugioh, and after getting most of the evilswarm cards and the decklist. Tim and Christian wanted to go home so I tagged along with them. That night I was supposed make the deck but I didn't even want to look at my cards. I pretty much played PS3 until 2:00am before I went to bed.


I got a call from Christian that he was 15 minutes away from my home. To be honest I didn't even want to go, but because I was going to receive a free mat I pulled myself out and got dressed.

We got to the event and I pretty much had to get all the missing cards. I got cards of Chris Sharp and James Xuan so thanks both of you. (I ended up forgetting Diamond Dire Wolf in my Extra Deck but whatever) I was pretty much being an ass all morning but all my friends were laughing so I guess they find my mental state at that time amusing. After pairings went up I played against Counter Fairy. I loss game 1 and won game 2 and 3 via Eradicator. He made a misplay game 3 and he was kinda annoyed but he seems like a cool dude.

I played the same Dragon guy that I did a misplay against. He won the roll and made a Dracossack with a double or triple rejuvenation. I tried to bahamut which is my only play and he veilered so I lost that one. Game 2 I couldn't get Ophion on the board and he stormed, Dracossack and Rejuvenation me a couple of turns later. At this point in time I was about to drop by Yaowei Didn't allow me, he literally scribbled out my tick

My 3rd round I versed Chain Beat. He won game 1, I won game 2 via Eradicator again and game 3 he opened Fossil Dyna set 3 and I tried to attack and he played mirror force and I chained pandemic and he chained some card that negates quick-play spells and a turn later he summoned Thunder King and used Black Garden. so I ended up losing that one and dropping because I couldn't top.

I ended up spending the rest of my day with Kenny, Eddie (who also only turned up for the mat) and Tay. James Moore also joined us and we pretty much hung out and laughed when Tay yelled out "FISH!" (you have to be there to see it)

We grabbed some Pizzas and did a bit of trading. After a while top 16 started and I was to busy playing Pender and James Moore with old format decks. I found out Tim lost on the bubble to an Asian Samurai sack player which annoyed Tim so much that he stayed to watch him lose.

After the Asian kid loses, Tim and Christian wanted Charcoal Chicken so we went all the way near Ashfield where we had a garlic chicken that was better than El Jannah. I think it was called Anar. I then got dropped off at the station and took the best train service in the world home, Cityrail

  • A lot people I know top 64 Nationals
  • Yaowei and Justin top 16 Oceanics
  • Pender doing as bad as me at Nationals :)
  • Kenny, Tim, Christian, Sean, Jimmy, Xuan, Moore, Troy, Kate, Ting, Yaowei, Giang, Eddie and Tay for being cool friends and making the event bearable for me

  • Scrubbing out in both Nationals and Oceanics
  • Pender doing as bad as me at Nationals :(
  • Douchebags and tools at the event
  • Draws
  • Dracossack + Super Rejuvenation
  • Wasting my long weekend
  • The format apart from Dragon mirror

Thanks for reading. I will talk what I learned from this tournament in my next article

Until then, take care

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