Sunday, May 26, 2013

Deck Profile: Spellbooks


First of all, sorry for the lack of updates, I've just been been busy with other things. But today I'll be doing a deck profile on Spellbook and give reasons on why I chose the cards I played.
I like to make a special mention to a friend of mine (ColdSnap from DGZ) for letting me borrow the whole deck for a regional on Sunday, so I can get my invite after failing multiple times :(
First I'll start with the Main deck
1 Effect Veiler
2 High Priestess of Prophecy
3 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
1 Justice of Prophecy
1 Injection Fairy Lily
1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1 Jowgen the Spiritualist
1 Toon Gemini Elf
1 Heavy Storm
3 Spellbook of Fate
3 Spellbook of Judgment
3 Spellbook of Secrets
2 Spellbook of Master
2 Spellbook of Wisdom
1 Spellbook of Eternity
1 Spellbook of Power
1 Spellbook of Life
2 The Grand Spellbook of Tower
1 Book of Moon
3 Toon Table of Contents
3 Upstart Goblin
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Waboku
Deck Breakdown

1 Effect Veiler - If I didn't have to play any I wouldn't but because it's a Spellcaster, a hand trap and more importantly a Tuner. I had to at least have 1 in there to give the deck a bit of flexibility for their plays
2 High Priestess of Prophecy - The Master Hyperion or DAD of the deck. It is pretty much your win condition for the deck. I use to like running 3 in the deck but it can sometimes be dead. I recently prefer just to run 2 because the card is still searchable via Justice, so that means I can get it when I need it. The problem with running 2 is that your late game becomes significantly weaker but you should still be able to win if you know how to grind through your opponent's cards.

3 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy - A Spellcaster that can be searched by Spellbook of Secrets and can also search for any Spellbooks in the deck. Need I say more

1 Justice of Prophecy - I only play 1 Justice because I only play 2 Priestess and even if I did play 3, I would still only play 1 Justice because it's such a pain when you draw it. The card is broken if you combine it with Spellbook of Judgment because is if you're smart and search a Wisdom via Judgment to prevent your opponent activating a spell or trap to prevent him getting removed

1 Injection Fairy Lily - The only reason I ran this card is because I could not find Spellbook Star Hall. Every time I drew it, I wished it was Star Hall but to its credit. I did manage to win a game against Evilswarm because of this card lol

1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer - The card is good against Dragons (which I didn't end up playing against) but it won me a lot games against evilswarm because they had Kerykeion and it could not use its effect. It's also not bad in the mirror because your opponent cannot use Spellbook of Fate and Spellbook of Life

1 Jowgen the Spiritualist - This card is good against most decks in particular Dragons because they cannot summon their big monsters. It secondary effect is also very handy against Evilswarms when they have Ophion on the field. This card can also prevents your opponent from OTKing you if you have a Tower when they storm because you get Jowgen out and they have to kill it first before they can do anything

1 Toon Gemini Elf - Main role is to be searched via Toon Table of Contents. Although with 1900atk and a discarding effect. It can be very annoying. I actually won a game with it after my opponent drew nothing and I was able to discard a couple of cards in his hand.


1 Heavy Storm - The only 1 of the trinity that remains. It's too good to take out and still very good against decks with multiple sets such as Evilswarm 

3 Spellbook of Fate  - The out card to everything. Some people play 2 but I really like 3 because it can break up the opponents play and it also doesn't target so your opponent has to chain when you activate this card meaning you can remove another card instead at resolution if you use the 3rd effect. It also combos well with Eternity.

3 Spellbook of Judgment - The reason this deck becomes tier one. It adds any spellbooks apart from itself in the end-phase to you hand for every spells that's played this turn and also the user to summon a spellcaster from the deck with same or lower level than the amount of spells played. This card combos well with Justice and allows the user to add another copy of Judgment and Priestess to the hand. Otherwise you can special summon any other spellcasters depending on the situation. This is the closes thing we'll ever get to a Professor Oak in Pokémon. I forgot to mentioned that this card is a quick-play so you can activate it on your opponents turn if you want!

3 Spellbook of Secrets - Searches your deck for any spellbooks spells or Spellbook Magician of Prophecy. Don't need to say more

2 Spellbook of Master - Allows you to copy a normal spellbook spell in your graveyard. It is mainly used to copy Secrets or Eternity to add other spellbooks to your hand, but it also fills the graveyard for Fate and another counter for Judgment

2 Spellbook of Wisdom - The forbidden lance of the deck. Allows you to summon Spellcasters without worry. It actually won me a game when I summoned Big Eye and he tried to Breakthrough Skilled it. Might consider cutting this card to 1.

1 Spellbook of Eternity - Adds a remove from play Spellbook back to hand. Very useful combined with Fate. Would like to play more but space is very tight in this deck

1 Spellbook of Power - It can be an out to big monster but it also allows you to add a spellbook to your hand if you destroy a monster. I mainly used it to push for game but there was a couple of times when I searched for Fate and it won me the game

1 Spellbook of Life - A searchable monster reborn. The secondary effect won me a game which allowed me to summon Gem Knight Pearl to run over Ophion.

2 The Grand Spellbook of Tower - My favourite card in the deck. I have to admit I did not like this card at first but it's actually really good. Being able to recycle your spellbooks and have 2 draw phases is insane. It is also an out to EEV which is what kills this deck. I'll give props to Pend Pender for annoying and telling me I have to play 2

1 Book of Moon - The fact its  quickplay spell and versatile means it deserves a spot. It didn't really do anything but I would still run it.
3 Toon Table of Contents - This and Spellbook of Judgment is really good. A lot of my friends apparently took it out and I can see why because there were some games when I had 2 in my hand but I think I would still run it because it helps to thin my deck

3 Upstart Goblin - Its a spell and can add counters for Judgment. It also makes it seem that you're only playing a 37 card deck


1 Solemn Judgment - Again props to Pend Pender for his reasoning behind this card. It didn't occur once at all but it's an out to EEV and every time I had it set. I felt so comfortable to win the game. The only time it was useful was when it won me the game where I had to grind out through 3 Ophions

2 Waboku - Prevents you from getting OTK and protects Jowgen. I sided it out every game 2 but I would definitely keep it in the deck

After the tournament the only changes I would make to the deck would be the following:

-1 Injection Fairy Lily
-1 Spellbook of Wisdom

+2 Spellbook Star Hall

I really like Star Hall as a card. Its good against EEV because you can Search Spellbook Magician of Prophecy from your deck so you can get back in the game but it also good because the amount of counters it receives makes your monsters really big and hard to get rid off.

The Extra deck is pretty irrelevant but as follows:

1 Shining Elf

1 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
1 Daigusto Phoenix
1 Gem Knight Pearl
1 Number 11: Big Eye
1 Mecha Phantom Beast, Dracossack
1 Armory Arm
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Tempest Magician
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Crimson Blader
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon

There's nothing that I would change from the Extra deck and I will not go through them but if I get request for it I will do so

Thanks for reading

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