Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Welcome to Theory-Oh!

I’ll start by making a brief introduction, my name is David and I’ve been playing Yugioh since the release of Pharaoh’s Servant, which is probably around 2002-03. I use to be a really competitive player but nowadays I’m just playing for fun and randomly playing tournament only to scrub out.

My biggest achievement in this game probably coming 12th in my first ever Australian Nationals followed by 16th in my second Nationals. Other than that, I have a couple of regional tops but that’s about it. Even with my lack of achievements, I like to think have a really good theoretical side to the game.

The articles I will currently post will include things such as deck profiles, card overview and any general consensus on the current metagame.

I already created my first article, so please read it and give out any feedback


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