Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dragon Ruler - Part 2 (Spells and Trap)

I had a bit of time so I've decide to do part 2 of Dragon Ruler today instead of next week, This time I'll be taking about the relevant spell cards for the deck and also an overview of the whole deck.

Other than the 8 Dragons and the 2 XYZs. There are 2-3 other cards that deserve a mention because of the synergy it has with this deck. The first card is Super Rejuvenation which allows you to draw a card during your end-phase for each Dragon that was discarded or tribute this turn.

I'm sure when they first released Super Rejuvenation it wasn't intended to be abused by this deck, but having the ability to replenish your hand is something that you can't pass up. Worst case scenario is just using one of 8 Dragon Rulers discarding effect and drawing 2 card at the end-phase, but in most case, you'll be able to use 2 baby dragon's effect and end up with a rank 7 and 4 new cards in hand.
The second card that's worth mentioning is Gold Sarcophagus, which allows you to remove a card from the deck and claim it back on the second stand-by phase.
Gold Sarcophagus is really good in the deck because it allows you to search your deck for what you need, but it's so much better for this archetype because you can remove a Big Dragon from the deck and add a corresponding type Dragon to your hand. This allows you to run 1-off tech cards such as Debris Dragon, Exploder Dragon if you wish and call upon them whenever you need them.
The 3rd and final spell card I want to mention is Sacred Sword of Seven Stars. I probably am a bit biased towards this card because I really liked concepts such as Destiny Draw, even to the point of saying that every deck in Yugioh should have their own Destiny Draw!
The card plays a similar role to Gold Sarcophagus in this deck. The only difference is you need to have a Big Dragon in hand but in return you get to draw 2 cards. I tend to like this card more than Gold Sarcophagus but I haven't really tested it. I will probably test 1-2 next time I use the deck.
As for Traps, there's no real relevant traps that should be run in this deck. It's probably more your personal preference, but I will want to talk about a card that I think has potential, which is Dragoncarnation.
Apart for having a really cool artwork. I think this card can have some potential in the future. Especially with Sacred Sword of Seven Stars. At the moment though it's not worth running
That's it for a look of the new Archetype of Dragon Ruler. Please look forward to the next article
Peace out!

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